My “Go Get ‘Em Latte”

This week’s #teacherfriendly option is for those of us who prefer a lighter option in the early morning.

For many years in HS, college, and even when I started teaching, I was always a firm believer in getting in breakfast first thing. And for many people, this probably works! But as someone who struggled with IBS and its related digestive challenges, I eventually started to realize that maybe this wasn’t the best option for me. As I did more and more research, I stumbled across the concept of intermittent fasting. We can come back to this concept in more depth later, but here’s the quick version: Intermittent Fasting (IF) is when we consciously choose a select window in which we consume our food during the day. For example: eat 9am-5pm, fast 5pm – 9am (8 hour window to eat, 16 hour fast)….or you can eat during a 12 hours window, fast for 12…etc. This can be beneficial for many reasons, but for me, the initial reason it drew me in was that it might help improve my digestive process, by giving my body a break from working so hard throughout many hours of the day.

Now, technically IF requires you to consume NO calories, but I decided that as a start, I would move to just consuming plenty of liquids in the morning, and then not eat a solid meal until a few hours later. I figured if I at least reduced my calories in the early morning + chose ones that were more easily digestible b/c they were in liquid form, that would be a good start!

In the past, I had never really been a believer in “drinking my calories”, as I had been put off by sugaring smoothies, sodas, etc. So, I set off to find some healthy options that would give me some nourishment in the morning, without overloading my system when I was up at 5:30 a.m.

After some research, I pieced together a few different popular options that I was seeing, and came up with my own version of a doctored-up latte in the mornings!  My goal was always to include some healthy fat and (easily digestible!) protein for satiety, plus a bit of carbs to balance my energy.  We’ll look at different variations in the future, but here’s the foundational recipe for my “Go Get ‘Em Latte” !



Base:  Almond milk + coffee/tea/etc. I like to make sure I’m getting plenty of fluid & filling up my 16oz travel mug, so my drink is usually pretty big. I’m not a dainty tea-cup kinda gal :p.

Add-ins:  So many options here! But for fat I generally like to use ghee, coconut oil, or MCT oil (depending on preferred flavor & digestive needs) + collagen for protein!  I initially gave whey protein powder a try, but it just didn’t feel good for my stomach. Then, for some sweetness, I prefer a couple drops of liquid stevia; but other low-glycemic options include raw honey, maple syrup, blackstrap molasses, or coconut sugar.  (You can also just eat a small green apple along with your latte, which makes for an option that will provide fiber filled carbs!)


1 cup unsweetened almond-milk (I use Vanilla)

1 cup coffee or preferred tea (I like 2 tsp of dandy blend + hot water, which is also great for liver detox!)

1.5 tsp Ghee*

1.5 scoops Collagen peptides

1 tsp honey

Sprinkle of cinnamon; Vanilla extract (or other) for flavor ; Stevia for sweetness (likely a sub for honey, not in addition to); a dash of sea or himalayan salt for minerals and hydration, + as a nice contrast to any sweetness !

(*macros below will be for this measurement, but if you are still adjusting to eating more fat, you can start with less and work your way up)

Instructions: Add collagen to bottom of mug first, as it will blend better when hot liquid is poured over. Add the rest of the ingredients, then blend using a milk frother, immersion blend (leave room in cup for this!), or in regular blender. Enjoy!


Calories: 192

Protein: 16 g / Fat: 10 g / Carbs: 10 g

Have you ever had a blended latte in the morning? Do you enjoy it, or do you wake up ready for a big meal?  More variations to come in the future, and would love to hear your preferences or questions!

P.S. I’ll be back on Instagram with an update on how this factors in for your budget in a couple days!


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