Beat the Holiday Hangover

So you’re feeling a bit sluggish, tired, or bloated after a holiday.  Now what?

The fact is, most of us tend to behave very differently when it comes to holidays!

— Our food is often higher in sugar and salt than our day-to-day meals

— We get up/go to bed at different times 

— We don’t hydrate as well, and/or drink more alcohol or sugary drinks

— We often MOVE a lot less (and this impacts us in many ways, not just calories burned!)

And that’s just a FEW examples. So, if you’re not feeling too great following a holiday, it’s not a surprise! Our bodies thrive on routine and consistency, and yours may just be adapting right now. And that’s ok :).

There are a number of biological reasons why you might be feeling a bit off from your holiday weekend, so the best bet now isn’t to beat yourself up (or starve yourself, or exercise for HOURS, or mainline caffeine :p). Let’s take a look at what some of these reasons might be!

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  1. Your lymph is stagnant

    (*your lymphatic system has no pump, so lifestyle & daily behavior directly affects this!)

  2. Your sugar/ salt intake has been hIgher + micro-nutrient intake has been lower than usual

  3. You haven't been supporting/ optimizing your digestion

    (*this comes down to more than just food choices, but also other behaviors!)

  4. Your circadian rhythm is off

    (*sleep/wake times, combined with amount of sleep, directly affects appetite, energy, mood, + more!)

So, what are some solutions?

In general, getting back on track with your usual habits is a great start! That said, there are a few basic interventions you can make that will up your energy as quickly as possible.

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  1. Get lymph moving with: Hydration, movement (walking, other exercise, or rebounding), or by dry-brushing

  2. Choose foods that are energizing + support your body’s natural detox systems: micro-nutrients provide our bodies w/ energy at a cellular level! Aim to eat a variety of veggies of all colors, + good quality meat (organic/grass-fed) which is also micro-nutrient dense! This will also help your body flush out extra water it is retaining :)

  3. Support/ improve digestion by adding in: MORE water, fiber-rich veggies, healthy fats + probiotic foods like raw kraut or full-fat yogurt. You can also sip on lemon water. Lay off: refined sugar/processed carbs + seed oils, which tend to be inflammatory to the body, and can interfere with good digestion.

  4. Circadian Rhythm: get into bed earlier! Improve your bedtime by stopping screen usage 1-2 hrs before (or at least using blue-blockers!), and creating a wind-down routine like reading, stretching or meditating. Bonus: get 15 minutes of sun first thing in the morning!

Notice, many of these solutions tend to overlap :). That’s one of the beautiful things about the body: while some more complicated challenges do require very specific support, there are SO many things we can do so support the common foundations of our health <3

How are you feeling today? Are you noticing any of the symptoms above? If so, drink that water, eat some veggies, take a walk in the fresh air, and try some of the other suggestions above. Let me know how it goes!

Yours in health,



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