Beauty & the Budget

There are two types of decisions that I really don’t take lightly: decisions about my health, and decisions about my money/budget. (Former Math teacher here, so TRUST that I know about budgeting AND frugality 😘).

About five years ago, I decided to start learning more about human health BEYOND diet and exercise. I was working to balance my hormones, and started researching more about skin care & make up, and all of the ingredients that could potentially be affecting the balance of my hormones. It was eye-opening, to say the least.

I have tried a lot of natural/safer/nontoxic products over the years. And there are quite a few brands out there that are doing good things in this area! And no, I don’t shop only one brand exclusively :) — more info on brands I love to come! BUT, of all the products that I’ve tried, Beautycounter is honestly the one that I have found to: be the most transparent, do the most research, and combine the characteristics of being both incredibly targeted/effective, as well as containing super safe ingredients for men, women, and children.

What I like about this organization is that it’s not just making face soap and lipstick. It’s heading up a movement. Legislation on ingredients in these types of products has not been passed in almost 100 years (1938!)....That’s bonkers! I love that when I’m pairing with this company I’m not only making safer choices for myself and my family, but I am also helping lead legislation that will make for safer products in everyone’s hands in the future.

What I also love about this company (a B Corp, btw!) is that these products are so full of active ingredients that you can use just a small amount each time, and they last way longer than you would expect! Quality over quantity.

If you’ve been considering switching over to safer skincare & beauty, whether it’s to improve the quality of your skin/fight breakouts (w/o harsh, damaging ingredients), want an anti-aging regimen in your life, or simply want to improve your hormones and health, give me a shout! This is a topic that I’ve truly become passionate about in the last few years, and am always happy to chat about w/ no strings attached.

How many personal care products — such as cleanser, toner, moisturizer, acne treatment, anti-aging treatment, makeup, and more — do you use on your face and body in a single day? It truly adds up! Some great resources that can help you better understand ingredients in these products & what they do are: ThinkDirty (app), and EWG Skin Deep (available as an app or online).

If you’re looking to learn more about this, or start switching to safer options, I am happy to share some products (from a number of brands!) that have worked great for me :). Your skin, hormones, and even budget, will thank you!

Yours in Wellness,



Finding Joy in the Unexpected


Expectation, Reality, Acceptance.